The High Sierra Wild Horse Sanctuary (H.S.W.H.S.) was established to help provide a safe haven for equines that were abandoned or abused. The Sanctuary is dedicated to the protection and preservation of wild mustangs and burros whether the equines reside at the ranch or are placed into foster care. To successfully promote this endeavor, it requires the knowledge and experience to provide the adequate care, the dedication of volunteers, and the continued support from kind donors.

A Safe Haven for Wild Born Mustangs, Burros and Domestic Animals who have Lost their Homes.
"Every animal deserves to be treated well." - Joe and Nadia Lane, Founders
Assist law enforcement officers in seizing, fostering, and adopting equines;
Educate the public on horse care and management;
Offer help to equine owners in times of natural or personal disaster;
Rehabilitate neglected and abused equines;
Help other rescue groups to improve the lives of equines in the United States.